Stay up to date with the latest musings of ICA Teens, Educators and Staff.

  • On December 16, the ICA hosted its third iteration of The Current , a teen-organized event and platform to showcase teen artwork and amplify youth voices through open discussion and engagement around...
  • Teen_ArtistEncounter_MarkDion_IMG_0977.JPG
    We sat on the rocky slope of a hurricane barrier at Fort Phoenix beach , enjoying the ocean view. It was a misty afternoon and not the sunlit August weather we expected...
  • Last Friday we wrapped up our week-long Film School workshop here at the ICA. I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say everyone had a great week and created great films. Check them out here. [scald=326...
  • Tomorrow two ICA Teens will be heading to the Windy City, Chicago, IL, to show their film Untitled at the CineYouth 2017 youth Film Festival. The film, produced by Shamir, Maceo, and LG3, is about a young...
