ICA Teen Arts Council (TAC) Announces
VIRTUAL TEEN WEEK: A Celebration of Unity & Community
We invite all teens to tune in for a week of creativity, celebration, artmaking and open connection. We continue to together navigate COVID-19 and tackle racism, inequity, injustice, and police brutality. Let’s create an intentional moment to come together in community.
Eventbrite HERE
Free! For Teens!
Questions? DM us @icateens | text or call (339) 236-3039 | teens@icaboston.org
Our Lineup
11:30 AM–12:30 PM | Sunday Brunch Jams with DJ YVNG PAVL + ICA Teens DJ Collective
Join us for a special (free for all) Sunday Brunch Jams on Instagram Live @icaboston! Boston-based YVNG PAVL, with help from the ICA Teens DJ Collective, spotlights the role music and musicians play in helping us navigate this pandemic while also being faced with longstanding issues of racial injustice. Remixing conversations with the Teen Collective and incorporating their music playlist, YVNG PAVL kicks off this week-long series of events organized and led by teens. This event is open to all ages!
12:30 PM | The Playlist
Discover your new favorite playlist, a collaboration by the DJ Collective. Available now.
5:00–6:00 PM | Creative Making Mini Series
Join TAC to create together and respond to this moment. What is creativity now? What empowers you? This is a choose-your-own-adventure space! We will have four offerings you can choose from: Writing, Collage, Painting, and Drawing. For teens!
6:00 PM | Virtual Exhibition: Artists & Writers Collective
See and hear work by teens in our Artists & Writers Collective. Available now.
3:00 PM | Photography in Focus
Tune in to an open conversation between Advanced Photography members Andre and Sam and local Boston photographers Lauren Miller and OJ Slaughter.
Photography in Focus: OJ Slaughter
Photography in Focus: Lauren Miller
5:00 PM | Virtual Exhibition: Photography
View photography by teens in our Special Focus and Advanced Photography programs. Available now.
3:00-4:00 PM | Join us for a Virtual Open Mic hosted by TAC via Zoom!
Interested in performing? https://forms.gle/MZoK5UYEueyYpSmL7 DM us on Instagram @icateens, text or call (339) 236-3039, or email teens@icaboston.org for the info to join.
4:00 PM | New Music
Hear the latest beats by the teen music producers of AMP, our music production group. Available now.
3:00 PM | Mindfulness Stretching
Tune in to a mindfulness stretching session with TAC member Be. Available now.
5:00 PM | Fast Forward Film Fest
Watch the latest films by teens in our Fast Forward program. Available now.
12:00 PM | Community Resource List
On Juneteenth, we are calling for our community to come together and share resources for creating a more just world, practicing self-care, and re-imagining space with one another. On this day, we commemorate Black liberation from the institution of slavery and highlight the resilience, solidarity, and culture of the Black community. Click into this collaborative document to add a resource that has supported you and take one with you too!
3:00 PM | Creatives in Our Community
TAC connects with local artists who identify as Black and who create art that brings people together in community and pushes for a more just world. To acknowledge that this intergenerational convening of creatives falls on Juneteenth, a day to commemorate Black liberation from the institution of slavery and highlight the resilience, solidarity, and culture of the Black community, we will ask these artists about what this day means to them. Available now.
8:00-9:00 PM | Dance Party
Celebrating the communities that we have created together, join us for a virtual dance party hosted by TAC via Zoom. Help us mark the end of Virtual Teen Week! DM us on Instagram @icateens, text or call (339) 236-3039, or email teens@icaboston.org for the info to join.